Magpie Mural
Bridgetown Hub (formerly the Bridgetown Family and Community Centre), Western Australia. | 2020
Supported by Regional Arts WA and the Australian Government Regional Arts Fund.
Professional Photographs supplied by Haylee Guiver.
Size: 6 metres x 3.1 metres
This project was created to engage the community after Covid lockdown. A design of two Magpies was chosen by the community as they felt that showcasing them would reflect the friendly family of Magpies residing at the centre, but also a reminder about Australiana, country life, family and nature. The background features flora that are commonly found within the region.
The painting process involved a “paint by numbers” experience with participants from the age of 3 to 70+. Many community groups were involved including the local daycare, nursing home, everyday people and school children. A total of over 200 members participated in the project.
A collaboration between the artist and the students, this design focuses on four endangered animals within the local Warren-Blackwood region. Amongst their natural environment it features the Numbat, Woylie, Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo and the Baudin’s Black Cockatoo.
Encouraging students creativity and expression, the project involved all students across years 1-6 in the design and painting process.

Artist with the Magpie Mural

Adding final touches

Workshop Participant

Eager Daycare participants

Finding numbers and having fun

Team work

Joyful painting

Observing the Magpie

A real Magpie comes to visit!

Early stages

School Children adding some touches

First time painting a mural

Original Concept

Signing Off